Pride Resources
Single Hero
Your one-stop destination for prospective parents and extended families of the Pride to quickly access links to frequently used information at Henderson Collegiate. Whether you're exploring our community for the first time or seeking to support a student in their journey, you've come to the right place.
Current parents and guardians of the Pride can enjoy an enhanced experience by logging into the Parent Portal, where additional resources and supports are readily available.
Together, we’re climbing the mountain to and through college!
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Contact Us
Elementary School
Elementary School (K-4)
Address: 926 South Carolina Avenue Henderson, NC 27536 P: (252) 572-2514 F: (252) 572-4399 E: info@hendersoncollegiate.orgMiddle School
Middle School (5-8)
Address: 1071 Old Epsom Road Henderson, NC 27536 P: (252) 598-1038 F: (252) 598-1037 E: info@hendersoncollegiate.orgHigh School
High School (9-12)
Address: 1071 Old Epsom Road Henderson, NC 27536 P: (252) 598-1039 F: (252) 572-4335 E: info@hendersoncollegiate.orgCustom Divider
Staff Directory
Henderson Collegiate Staff Directory
Henderson Collegiate parents/guardians may access an enhanced Staff Directory using a passkey to access emails and phone numbers in the Parent Portal.
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You may access full program by visiting School Transportation.
- Regular Session Bus Schedule
- Early Release Bus Schedule
- Regular Session Car Rider & Walker Dismissal Hours
Regular Session Bus Schedule
Buses & Stops | Drivers | Drop Off (am) Mon - Fri |
Pickup (pm) Mon - Thu |
Pickup (pm) Fri |
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Henderson
Mr. Harrington
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Hawkins
Ms. Martin |
Old Aycock
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Hawkins
Ms. Martin
Burlington Stores (Dabney Roses)
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Adams
Ms. Fuller/Ms. Winston
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Judkins
Mr. Evans
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Boyd
Lincoln Heights
Ms. Royster
Ms. Royster
Boys and Girls Club
Ms. Reed
Ms. Shearin
Salvation Army
Ms. Shearin
Knowles Terrace
Ms. Brown
JP Taylor
Mr. Boyd
Kittrell Grocery
Mr. Boyd
- Please be reminded that you will need to be at that bus stop five minutes before the stop time. For example, the bus will be at Middleburg at 7:00 am, so you need to arrive at 6:55 am.
- Drivers are instructed not to wait past the stop times, so it is important that you are there with your child/children on time.
- YMCA/Salvation Army/Boys & Girls Club will only be an afternoon drop-off.
- Learn more at School Transportation.
Updated August 14, 2024
- Middleburg: 69 Hawkins Drive
- Gillburg: BP 4765 NC 39 Hwy South
- Old Aycock: 2663 Vicksboro Road
- Burlington Stores (Dabney Roses): 1243 Dabney Drive
- Norlina: Roses at 1471 N. Garnett Street
- YMCA: 380 Ruin Creek Road
- Lincoln Heights: Shell Station at 1205 W. Andrews Avenue
- Williamsboro: Shell Station at 7690 NC 39 Hwy North
- Boys & Girls Club: 212 N. Clark Street
- Aldi's: 160 Dabney Drive
- Salvation Army: 2292 Ross Mill Road
- Knowles Terrace: 1261 America Road
- JP Taylor: 501 JP Taylor Road
- Kittrell Grocery: 1356 US-1 Kittrell & JP Taylor Road
Early Release Bus Schedule
Buses & Stops |
Drivers |
Drop Off (am) |
Pickup (pm) |
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Henderson
Mr. Harrington
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Hawkins
Ms. Martin |
Old Aycock
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Hawkins
Ms. Martin
Burlington Stores (Dabney Roses)
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Adams
Ms. Fuller/Ms. Winston
(ES Separate Bus)
Mr. Judkins
Mr. Evans
(ES Separate Bus)
Ms. Boyd
Lincoln Heights
Ms. Royster
Ms. Royster
Boys and Girls Club
Ms. Reed
Ms. Shearin
Salvation Army
Ms. Shearin
Knowles Terrace
Ms. Brown
JP Taylor
Mr. Boyd
Kittrell Grocery
Mr. Boyd
- Please be reminded that you will need to be at that bus stop five minutes before the stop time. For example, the bus will be at Middleburg at 7:00 am, so you need to arrive at 6:55 am.
- Drivers are instructed not to wait past the stop times, so it is important that you are there with your child/children on time.
- YMCA/Salvation Army/Boys & Girls Club will only be an afternoon drop-off.
- Learn more at School Transportation.
Updated August 14, 2024
- Middleburg: 69 Hawkins Drive
- Gillburg: BP 4765 NC 39 Hwy South
- Old Aycock: 2663 Vicksboro Road
- Burlington Stores (Dabney Roses): 1243 Dabney Drive
- Norlina: Roses at 1471 N. Garnett Street
- YMCA: 380 Ruin Creek Road
- Lincoln Heights: Shell Station at 1205 W. Andrews Avenue
- Williamsboro: Shell Station at 7690 NC 39 Hwy North
- Boys & Girls Club: 212 N. Clark Street
- Aldi's: 160 Dabney Drive
- Salvation Army: 2292 Ross Mill Road
- Knowles Terrace: 1261 America Road
- JP Taylor: 501 JP Taylor Road
- Kittrell Grocery: 1356 US-1 Kittrell & JP Taylor Road
Regular Session Car Rider & Walker Dismissal Hours
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Registration and Eligibility
DragonFly Max is a user-friendly platform designed to streamline athletic management for schools, parents, and students. It simplifies the process of completing required athletic forms, tracking athlete eligibility, and managing communication between coaches and parents. Parents can use DragonFly Max to fill out and upload physicals, sign consent forms, and stay updated on their child's athletic participation. The platform is accessible via a mobile app or desktop, offering convenience and transparency for families involved in school sports.
- Attendance
- Academic Eligibility
- Bench Protocol
- Medical Information
- 2024-2025 Parent & Student Athletics Handbook
Student-athletes must be in school by 8:30AM in order to participate in practice or contests during the same day or evening. If a student-athlete were to arrive after that time they would require documentation that depicts late arrival.
Students absent from athletic practice for five or more days due to illness or injury must receive a medical release by a Licensed Medical Professional before being readmitted for practice or contests. This documentation must be submitted to the athletic director prior to return to participation.
Academic Eligibility
Academic Eligibility
The standards for academic eligibility by grade level are shown below:
- Grade 6, GPA 3.0 minimum
- Grades 7-12, GPA 2.5 minimum
Should any student be ineligible at the end of a quarter, they would not be able to try out for an upcoming athletic team and would be immediately removed from any current team with which they were participating.
Example: A varsity basketball player’s season typically runs from the end of October to the end of February. In order to play at the beginning of the season, they must have a Q1 GPA of 2.5+. If they are eligible to start the season, but become ineligible at the end of Q2 (GPA below 2.5), they would be ruled ineligible and would no longer be allowed to practice or play with the team.
Bench Protocol
Category | 1st Instance |
2nd Instance |
3rd Instance |
ISS (less than one day) | Cannot participate in practice or a game. If it is a day off, the consequence is implemented the next day on which practice or a game is held. | Follows ISS sequence | |
One day: Cannot participate in that day’s practice and cannot play in the next game. More than one day: Suspended one week (5 days) from the sport. |
Suspended for 2 weeks |
Suspended for half of the remainder of the season, or 5 games, whichever is greater OR removed from the team |
5 days or more: Removal from the team Under 5 days: Suspended for half of the remainder of the season or 5 games, whichever is greater. |
Removed from the team | N/A |
ISS - In School Suspension
OSS - Out of School Suspension
Medical Information
All student athletes must complete the NCHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE) Form, which includes the History Form, the Physical Examination Form, and the Medical Eligibility Form. All student athletes must receive a physical examination once every 395 days by a physician (MD/DO), nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be eligible to play.
- Download and print the Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (PPE) form (, or pick-up a physical copy in the MS or HS front office.
- History Form (Pages 1-2) is completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian on behalf of the student-athlete. The completed and signed PPE History Form must then be presented to the Licensed Medical Professional (LMP) for review when they fill out the Physical Examination Form.
- The completed Physical Examination Form (Page 3) is signed and dated by the LMP who performed the examination.
- The Medical Eligibility Form (Pages 4), which is also signed and dated by the LMP indicates the student athlete is either medically eligible or not medically eligible for sports participation.
- The Gfeller-Waller NCHSAA Student-Athlete & Parent/Legal Custodian Concussion Information Sheet ( is read and the Concussion Statement Form is completed and signed by the student athlete and parent/legal custodian.
- The NCHSAA Eligibility, Consent to Participate, and Release Form ( is completed and signed by the student athlete and parent/legal custodian.
- All completed documentation is then submitted to the school nurse’s office.
Documentation must be submitted prior to the current season’s tryouts if the physical is expired.
Nurse Contact Information
Please reach out to Kylene Carey, Regional Director of Operations at
2024-2025 Parent & Student Athletics Handbook
Purchase Event Tickets
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Uniforms & Dress Code
Uniforms & Dress Code
Students are to wear a Henderson Collegiate Polo shirt every day, Monday through Thursday. A Henderson Collegiate t-shirt can be worn on Fridays. All uniform shirts can be purchased at each school’s front office.
Students also must wear khaki pants with slit pockets, a black or brown belt, and solid black shoes.
Black/Brown Belt
- These are all solid black or brown belts.
- They are all professional and solid colored.
- Many of the belts shown are able to be fastened all the way around and are perfect for a quickly growing child.
- Although this belt is all black, it has studs on it. This would NOT be allowed as a belt for professional dress at Henderson Collegiate.
- This belt buckle is too large, and there is décor on the buckle. This would NOT be allowed as a belt for professional dress at Henderson Collegiate.
- This belt is clear and has gold décor. This would NOT be allowed as a belt for professional dress at Henderson Collegiate.
Khaki Pants
- YES-these are professional, khaki, well-fitting, and have "slit" pockets.
- This is an example of a "slit" pocket. The slit pocket may have a button as well.
- NO! —these are not professional, they are "skinny" pants, and have stitched-on pockets. These would not be allowed at Henderson Collegiate.
- These pockets are not "slit" pockets and would not be allowed on the back of professional pants worn at Henderson Collegiate.
Black Shoes
Every part of these tennis shoes including logos, is completely black
The logos, laces, soles, or tongues of these shoes are NOT in dress code.
Additionally, shoes must have laces or Velcro.
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School Health
Oral Health Clinic
Henderson Collegiate is excited to partner with North Carolina Fellows Family Dentistry (CFFD) to provide FREE school-based oral health services for our K-12 students!
FREE Dental Clinic at HC during February 2025: Carolina Fellows Family Dentistry will be back on campus during the school day, providing dental screenings, teeth cleanings, fluoride, sealants, X-rays and pictures. Any K-12 HC student who has not seen a dentist in the last 6 months may participate, BUT parent/ guardian MUST return a signed consent form to HC by Friday, January 17, 2025. Consent forms will go home with your child on Monday, January 13th. If your child has participated in previous years, you must sign a new consent form for this school year! We hope to see your child there!
Oral Health Clinic Consent Form: English | Spanish
Additional Resources: Families can see more resources about oral health tips and best practices here, TEEN ORAL HYGIENE GUIDE.
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Exceptional Children's Program
Specially Designed Instruction
Henderson Collegiate continuously works toward school-wide program improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. Our school uses data-driven problem-solving to maximize the growth of all of our students. To learn more about North Carolina’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (NC MTSS) program, to which Henderson Collegiate’s practices are aligned, please check out the links below:
Project Child Find
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School Policies & Notices
- State Standardized Testing
- Student & Parent Handbook
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy & Device Agreement
- Title I Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- AHERA Regulatory Notice
- Parents Bill of Rights
- Parent’s Guide to Student Achievement (PGSA)
- USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
State Standardized Testing
Student & Parent Handbook
Technology Acceptable Use Policy & Device Agreement
Below are the agreements that our Henderson Collegiate parents and students agree to after being issued a Henderson Collegiate device.
All students and parents must agree to follow the terms and conditions stated in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Device Agreement. The signature page at the end of this contract must be signed and returned prior to computer access being granted.
Parents / Students: please note that any violation of this contract that results in inappropriate use of technology and/or damage of technology will result in a school consequence.
Title I Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Section 1116 of the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires the involvement of parents, families, and key community members of participating children in the design and implementation of Title I projects. A local educational agency (LEA) may receive funds under this part only if such agency implements programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of these stakeholders in programs assisted under this part consistent with this section. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents and guardians, extended family members, and community members of participating children.
Decades of research has shown that when schools work together with families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not just in school but throughout life. Henderson Collegiate, Inc. believes that learning can best take place when there is shared effort, interest, and commitment among students, parents, extended family members, community members, and staff.
The goal of this Parent and Family Engagement Plan is to support in a more consistent and effective manner those things already in practice, as well as to generate new ways of strengthening the partnership between school and home
AHERA Regulatory Notice
The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires all schools to inspect building materials for the presence of asbestos. AHERA excludes schools from the inspection requirement if the school was constructed after October 12, 1988, and has a signed statement from the architect or project engineer responsible for constructing the school stating that no asbestos-containing materials were specified for use in the construction/manufacturing of the school. Our school has been provided such a statement, and is, therefore, exempt from the requirement to conduct an asbestos inspection. The EPA requires us to annually notify you that we are aware of the AHERA regulation, and that we are compliant. The Management Plan is available for your review at any time during normal school hours. The AHERA LEA Designee, Rick Wesley, is also available to answer any questions you may have about asbestos in buildings, during normal school hours or by email at
Parents Bill of Rights
Parent’s Guide to Student Achievement (PGSA)
It is Henderson Collegiate’s goal to offer parents and guardians access to information regarding student achievement via this Parent’s Guide to Student Achievement (PGSA). Should you wish to obtain paper copies of this document and its contents, you can make a request through your child’s respective school.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
USDA Non-Discrimination Policy
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(2) Fax: (202) 690-7442 or
(3) Email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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Family Support
Community Resources
Resource |
Contact Information |
Vance County Department of Social Services (DSS)
500 N. Beckford Dr, Suite C
Henderson, NC 27536
(252) 492-5001
Daymark Recovery Services
943 W. Andrews Ave, Suite H
Henderson, NC 27536
(252) 433-0061
Therapeutic Specialties of NC
104 Market St.
Henderson, NC 27537
(252) 431-4418
EL Futuro
202 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 23
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 688-7101 ext 600
NuMe Counseling & Consulting
12500 Angel Falls Road
Raleigh, NC 27614
(919) 449-7059
RHA Mobile Crisis
(844) 709-4097 |
Vision Behavioral Health Services, LLC
104 N. Main St.
Louisburg NC, 27549
(919) 496-7781 Ext. 100
Crisis Line (919) 621-5012
Vision Behavioral Health Services, LLC
111 and 113 Hilltop Village
Oxford, NC 27565
(984) 742-7781
Franklin, Vance, Warren Opportunity Inc.
180 S. Beckford Dr.
Henderson, NC 27536
Boys & Girls Club Youth Organization
212 N. Clark St.
Henderson, NC 27536
(252) 438-5830
Legal Aid Of NCProvides free Legal help to low-income North Carolinians in civil cases involving basic human needs like:
1-800-662-7660 |
LifeLine Outreach, Inc.
Thrift store
Emergency Shelter for Women and Children
2014 Raleigh Road
Henderson. NC 27536
(252) 438-2098
Emergency Shelter for Women and Children
Janice Hargrove, Director
(252) 425-0346
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm
Application for Emergency Shelter:
Gwen Williams
(252) 438-2093
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Anonymous Reporting
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
Say Something Tips
See It. Report It.
The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows you to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others.
HC News
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Join Our Team
Be part of a mission-driven team dedicated to empowering students to reach college and beyond.
Join our K-12 charter school family where character and academic success are the foundation.
Your support fuels our mission to empower every student to achieve their full potential.