Henderson Collegiate's Board of Directors is committed to transparency, accountability, and the success of our students and community. As a North Carolina public charter school, we adhere to the state's Open Meetings (G.S. 143-318.9-18) and Public Records (Chapter 132 of the General Statutes) Laws, ensuring that our governance practices are accessible and inclusive.
- Open Meetings - Our board meetings are open to the public, providing an opportunity for stakeholders to stay informed and engaged in our school's vision and decisions. Meeting dates, times, and locations are posted on our website at least seven days in advance.
- Public Records - In compliance with North Carolina's Public Records Law, our board records and documents are accessible to the public, maintaining a transparent and accountable governance model. Please find below copies of the current year board meeting minutes.
- Stay Connected - Please refer to our Policy Governing Public Participation at Board Meetings. The Henderson Collegiate Board of Directors typically meets on the third Thursday of each month at 12 p.m. in a conference room at the Henderson Collegiate High School at 1071 Old Epsom Road, Henderson, NC. Meeting dates for the current school year can be found below.
The mission of Henderson Collegiate is to empower students with the character traits, academic skills, social experiences, and love of learning necessary for them to shape their own destinies, attend and graduate from the college of their choice and become world-changing problem solvers.
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Meeting Calendar
Board of Directors
- Stephanie Rogers, President / Chairperson
- Kim Butler, Vice President
- Trey Watkins, Secretary & Treasurer
- Thomas Church
- Dr. Gary Smith
- Michael Putney, Jr.
- Dr. Bill Wooten
- Eric Sanchez, CEO*
- Carice Sanchez, Chief Academic Officer*
*Denotes non-voting board member.
Board Minutes
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Our Future
2024-2029 Strategic Plan
Campus Master Plan
As we enter the next five years, our Strategic Plan sets the stage for a bold and transformative vision to enhance our students' educational journey, expand our campus, and ensure long-term sustainability.
Achieving this vision will require the collective effort of our students, staff, families, and supporters. Whether through partnerships, donations, or active involvement in our community, your support is crucial to our success.
Explore the full Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plan, learn more about our goals, and discover how you can contribute to shaping the future of Henderson Collegiate!